Monday, January 30, 2012

14 questions people ask about Hinduism (and some good answers)

List of 14 questions

1.0 Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?

Note:  All answers provided below and in the PDF document in the link are prepared by the authors of the "Hinduism Today" magazine. If in case, you have a different interpretation, we respect that. 

Hindus all believe in one Supreme God who created the universe. He is all-pervasive. He created many Gods, highly advanced spiritual beings, to be His helpers

2.0 Do Hindus believe in reincarnation?

Yes, we believe the soul is immortal and takes birth time and time again. Through this process, we have
experiences, learn lessons and evolve spiritually. Finally we graduate from physical birth.

3.0 What is karma?

Karma is the universal principle of cause and effect. Our actions, both good and bad, come back to us in the future, helping us to learn from life’s lessons and become better people.

4.0 Why do Hindus worship the cow?

Hindus don’t worship cows. We respect, honor and adore the cow. By honoring this gentle animal, who
gives more than she takes, we honor all creatures.

5.0 Are Hindus idol worshipers?

Hindus do not worship a stone or metal “idol” as God. We worship God through the image. We invoke the presence of God from the higher, unseen worlds, into the image so that we can commune with Him and receive His blessings

6.0 Are Hindus forbidden to eat meat?

Hindus teach vegetarianism as a way to live with a minimum of hurt to other beings. But in today’s world not all Hindus are vegetarians.

7.0 Do Hindus have a Bible?

Our “Bible” is called the Veda. The Veda, which means “wisdom,” is comprised of four ancient and holy scriptures which all Hindus revere as the revealed word of God.

8.0 Why do many Hindus wear a dot near the middle of their forehead?

The dot worn on the forehead is a religious symbol. It represents divine sight and shows that one is
a Hindu. For women, it is also a beauty mark.

9.0 Are the Gods of Hinduism really married?

It is true that God is often depicted with a spouse in our traditional stories. However, on a deeper philosophical level, the Supreme Being and the Gods are neither male nor female and are therefore not married.

10 What about caste and untouchability?

Caste is the hereditary division of Indian society based on occupation.

The lowest class, deemed untouchables, suffer from discrimination and mistreatment. It is illegal in India to discriminate against, abuse or insult anyone on the basis of caste.

11.0 Is yoga a Hindu practice?

Deeply rooted in Hindu scripture and belief, yoga is, and always was, a vital part of Hindu religion and culture. Today it is embraced by tens of millions of non-Hindus seeking its renowned benefits to physical, mental and spiritual health.

12.0 How do Hindus view other religions?

Hindus honor all religious traditions and the people within them. While regarding our faith as uniquely endowed, we believe that there is no exclusive path, no one way for all.

13.0 Why do some Hindu Gods have animal features?

In dreams and visions the inner-plane beings have revealed themselves to mankind to be of many forms,
expressing many powers. Some appear human, and others, like Ganesha, have animal features.

14.0 Why do Hindus cremate the dead?

Hindus arrange swift cremation of the dead, ideally within 24 hours. The fire and accompanying rites
sever ties to earthly life and give momentum to the soul for its continuing spiritual journey.

Download the PDF with detailed answers from this site below 

All credits for these materials belong to "Hinduism Today Magazine" published from Hawaii