Friday, February 17, 2012

Our Mandir Public Relations - looking for volunteers with experience

Hindu Society of Minnesota (HSMN) Blog was launched in November of 2011 with a posting of 1 Blog every month.   

You can read the last issue at this link

Ram Krishnan was elected as a Public Relations Committee chairman for the HSMN .

In an effort to take this to the next level the PR committee is urging volunteers with fair knowledge in public relations, along with having social service interest and, journalism experience, to work on assigned tasks, pertaining to promoting various events and efforts through social media..

 Below is the level of involvement: You can choose area(s) that interests you.

1)     Create a template for a standardized Press Release

2)      Maintain a list of media contacts, [print, TV, electronic]

3)     Establish contact and Rapport social media.

4)     Create a Press Meet at the Temple. Tours, lectures, food at the Mandir.

5)     Develop a Press Kit. Put on the temple’s website..

6)     Develop a 5-minute overview of the Mandir to be posted You-Tube

7)     Self-guided tours of the Mandir using a latest technology that is available.

8)      Reach out to local schools and colleges

9)     Reach out to local charities

10)  Create a promotional display.
a)     Are you new to the Mandir?
b)    Did you know?
c)     Your support to the Mandir
d)    Meet the 2012 officers - Name, picture, duty, email

11)  Create a metrics to measure the effectiveness of this effort.
a)     Track visitors to our websites - Google Analytics
b)    Using HOMA software, track attendance, membership, revenue 
      Use 2010 stats as baseline.

If you have been exposed to any of the above at your place of work or other non-profit organizations, we would like you to come and join our team. All age groups are Welcome – High School students, College students, working devotees, retired and seniors.

Please send an email to indicating your interest and which of the items in the list above interest you.


Ram Krishnan

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